Louise Haynes

Social Issues in Song

Learning about history and songs and the people who made both

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Why learn about social issues through songs?

It's fun!

Learn about the world, history, and cultures through the songs that people sing.


Learn about the songs

Read or listen to the background story of each song. I'll do the work of doing the research for you.

Talk about the songs

From the comments and chat sections, you can share your thoughts on the week's song.


Jarama Valley. Who were the people involved? Why were they there? What happened to them? What was the result of their efforts?


Victor Jara. Who was he? What did he do? What happened to him? How did he know Phil Ochs? (Who was Phil Ochs?) Why was that important?


We Are Rising. What is the We are Rising movement? How did it start? What does this song talk about? Why is it important?

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What some of the participants have to say about us...

  • I didn't know almost all the songs you taught us before this course. I thought they were not so important because I could pass the entrance exam. However, I noticed I was wrong. There are many problems in the world, and we are not outsiders. Our indifference causes problems to continue.

  • When I study about history, I usually use textbooks. However, I found that songs teach me old days clearly. Songs are not only to enjoy singing but also to learn the history and feelings of the people who lived in history.

  • In my world history class (in high school), I learned only that war happened. However, the war was cruel and terrible. I understood it from the lyrics. We must remember all sacrifice and live so that it will not be wasted.

  • We can just follow the flow of the music and the lyrics and understand what happened to people in those days.

Interactive blog!

Follow me on Substack. This is where I will be publishing the articles on the various songs. It's free. You'll receive one newsletter each week from me. You can opt out at any time, but I hope you will stay with me on this time travel around the world, visiting different eras in history, meeting people you've never dreamed about, learning about their challenges and their strategies for overcoming problems. You can add comments and your own questions about the songs.


A note to students

The articles you will find on this site are directed at Japanese learners of English who have at least Eiken 2 or a TOEIC score of 450 and above. Everyone, of course, is welcome to use the site, but if you are a Japanese learner, you'll find some vocabulary at the bottom of the articles that might help you.


Use the English you know to learn something cool!

All those hours you have spent studying. Now you can put it to use! And enjoy learning... with no tests!

Anywhere, anytime

On the train to work, at the coffee shop, 10 minutes before class starts. You choose your time to read or listen to the passages.


Talk about the week's passage via chat when you have time.


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